Friday, July 31, 2015

High There! Dating App For Marijuana Users

He is definitely a "Todd."

It seems like nowadays you can't go more than two minutes without hearing about marijuana on the television or reading something about it online. And now, there's an dating app for marijuana users called High There! 

If I knew how to make an app, I would make one for people who don't smoke weed. Sorry, I just can't stand the smell of burning refers. I do, however, think it smells good before it's burnt to a crisp.

The blog from quotes somebody (it isn't made clear who) as saying: 

"I was tired of failed dates due to my cannabis use. So, once High There! was up and running, I dated using High There! It was really an interesting and fun experience, much better than the other dating sites."
So, there it is and there you have it. If you are legally allowed to smoke weed because you have a prescription, then I suggest you head on over to

I can imagine many of the first dates that result from this app going like this: 

"What were we just talking about? It was so cool. Damn, I smoke too much," said the girl.

"Me, too!" her date agreed. They laugh and then he says. "It's so cool, a chick that smokes as much weed as me! I love you." 


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