Thursday, July 30, 2015

Man Makes Emergency Call Because His Girlfriend Let The Cat Eat His Bacon

A British man from West Yorkshire called 999 (which is the United Kingdom's version of 911) because his girlfriend let their cat eat his bacon. That is a pretty serious crime, if you ask me. I don't know why the dispatcher didn't send a police unit or three over to the scene of the crime to arrest the woman. The cat doesn't know better, it just knows that when it's offered tasty food, it's going to eat it.

The man told the dispatcher that he wanted to press charges against the mean woman and the pussy cat. The emergency operator (it was a female, so maybe she was simply taking the woman's side)told the poor, hungry bloke: "Sir, it's not a criminal offense to let your cat eat your bacon. And we don't arrest cats."

Well, dispatcher lady, he didn't let the cat eat the bacon, someone else let the cat eat his bacon. So, there was a crime commited: She stole the bacon from him. Period. Just because she gave it to a cat afterwards doesn't mean that she didn't steal it in the first place. However, it is hard to prosecute without evidence, which the cat was probably more than happy to destroy. I love kitties.

via: Huffington Post


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