Saturday, August 1, 2015

Snoop Dogg Stopped At Italian Airport Carrying $422,000

What is a "Snoop Doggy"?

Snoop Dogg was stopped Friday at an Italian airport whilst carrying $422,000 in cash in his fancy-pants designer luggage.

The California rapper was just trying to get to the United Kingdom after doing some rapping and rhyming in exchange for money in the country that looks like a boot.

In European countries, the limit on the amount of money you can carry onto a plane is $10,986. The rule even applies to people who are flying on private planes, which Snoop Dogg, a.k.a. Calvin Broadus, was doing. I think that is one unnecessary law when being applied to a private aircraft. I can understand commercial airlines having a restriction, for obvious reasons, but private planes are a whole different matter. If someone wants to carry around a whole bunch of cash, then they must be a criminal, right? Apparently that's the way the law sees it.

Snoop Dogg had the money on him because it was his pay for performances he had just done in Europe. The Italian authorities gave Snoop half of the money and kept the other half until it is determined how much his fine is going to be. They will return the rest, minus the fine amount, at a later date. What a scam and a bunch of bologna.

Yahoo! News 

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