Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi Claims Her Husband Didn't Use Ashley Madison Website

"I'm so educated and smart... durrr!"

Snooki "The Wombat Wookie" Polizzi is claiming that her husband didn't use the Ashley Madison website to cheat on her. 

It has been reported that Snooki's husband's e-mail address was used to create an account on So, Snooki went on instagram and rambled off some things about how her husband would never cheat on her, and if he did, he wouldn't have to use a website to do it. Well, the point of the website is to find other people who want to cheat and not get caught... so, yeah, Snooki, maybe he would use a website to cheat on you. The whole post sounds like she is trying to convince herself that her husband wouldn't cheat on her. I, myself, am not convinced that he wouldn't cheat on her.

In her instagram post she said many wonderful and poignant things. Here is a sample: "Jionni is the the [sic] most humble, respectful, and most loyal souls [sic] I know."

Yes, she did make two terrible mistakes in one sentence. Maybe she should have somebody type and proofread for her. 

One of her fans, named "bambbri" commented:  
  And in all honesty no one wants to talk nor give you the credit you deserve, from watching the first episode of jersey shore and seeing you be a crazy meatball to a lovely, educated, mother I must say the transformation you did is inspiring!
Educated? Yeah, "Snooki" is a regular old Rhodes scholar, isn't she. Her story is so inspiring, isn't it? She was paid to get drunk on TV and act like a fool and then she got pregnant and married. Wow! That is one riveting story!

via: Snooki's Instagram 

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