Wednesday, October 21, 2015

New Nicknames for Johnny Manziel

Johnny Manziel needs a new nickname because he is excels at other things now.

From a young age, the Cleveland Browns quarterback, Johnny Manziel, has been known as "Johnny Football." But now that he's getting recognition for things other than football, it's about time that he gets a new nickname. Many of you are agreeing with me right now because you're smart people.

The second-year NFL star is not the current starting QB for his team and his few career NFL stats are nothing like his college numbers. Manziel last year started five games in his rookie season and has only played two games this year. He has spent more weeks in rehab than he has on the football field since going pro.

Manziel on Monday was pulled over for driving like a maniac and speeding after 911 received more than one call about his actions. He told the officers on site that he had been drinking, but of course he wasn't given a breathalyzer or a field sobriety test. Also, as the below video shows, Johnny's girlfriend claims that he shoved her head against the window. During their little cruising sesion she told Manziel that she was going to jump out the car while it was moving. Not only did the cops pass on the opportunity to administer a breathalyzer test on Manziel, they also failed to arrest him on assault charges for the whole "head-pressed-against-the-window-trick" he showed his unimpressed girlfriend.

If you can think of a new and more pertinent nickname for Manziel, feel free to submit it in the comments section. You don't have to register, you can just comment as "anonymous." Here are a few new nicknames for Johnny Manziel to get you started:

Johnny Goofball, Johnny Eight Ball, Johnny Fooseball, Johnny No Balls.



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