Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Cleaners In An Italian Museum Accidentally Throw Out Art Exhibit

Who likes art installations? I do, too! We should be friends. But that's beside the point. Cleaners in an Italian Museum (Museion Modern Art Gallery) accidentally tossed an art exhibit into recycling bins after mistaking the installation as remnants from a party. That would've been one interesting party by the looks of the evidence left behind. Well, had it been an actual party. Party like it's 1999, anyone?

The exhibit is named "We were going to dance tonight" and it is a commentary on the debauched lifestyle of the Italian politicos that rock and rolled during the 1980s. Goldschmied and Chiari are the Milanese artists who are responsible for the exhibit. I'm sure they weren't amused when they found out what happened to their art action. It's not good to throw out an art exhibit, because then people will start to wonder what is art, and if they have to ask, they will never know.

"We were going to dance tonight," until everybody started acting like a douche bag. We just went to an after party and drank some more. Everybody got wasted. You should've been there.


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