Tuesday, January 12, 2016

New Contraceptive For Men -- Bimek SLV

Bimek SLV - The New Contraception for Men from Bimek SLV on Vimeo.

 A man from Berlin, Germany, Clemens Bimek, has created a new contraceptive device for men that you can turn on and off. The Bimek SLV consists of two little switches that attach to each of a man's spermatic ducts. The man can then turn the switch to the "off" position when he decides that he is not in the mood to be a "baby daddy." In order to turn the switches off or on, one must simply squeeze the contraptions through the skin of the scrotum. Good times, no?

But, it's not that simple, unfortunately. According to those in the know, sperm stays in your system for months, even when you have a traditional vasectomy. So, therefore, if a man turns his sperm off with the Bimek SLV, it's still going to take a few months to be for the man to be sterile... or about 30 ejaculations. 

If you ask me, this is a device that isn't going to be used by anybody anytime soon. It's a great idea, that's for sure, but how practical is it? Besides, you will always have to feel two switches in your sack. Not fun, I'd imagine.

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