Friday, November 13, 2015

Poor People In America Smoke More Cigarettes Than Others

Stats are a wonderful thing; they always tell us how it is with no room for argument or worthless opinions. Stats are just like Jennifer Lopez's hips... they don't lie. The numbers are in, thanks to the CDC, and the biggest conclusion that can be drawn from the data collected is: poor people in America smoke more cigarettes than others.

The CDC didn't break down the number of people who smoke by income levels, but the following graphs show proof that poor people in America make up the majority of smokers.

You see how I deduced what I deduced? If you do, congratulations. 57 percent of American people who smoke cigarettes either have no health insurance or they are on Medicaid. If you have no health insurance or you're on Medicaid, you're poor. And, education is also a good indicator of wealth. Poor people don't bother graduating high school because they decide at an early age that their life isn't such a wonderful thing. And, if you don't value life very highly, you're less likely to take care of your health. 

While it is a key fact that poor people smoke more cigarettes than other Americans, another important statistic to mention is that Americans are smoking at a lower rate than ever. In 1965, 42.5 percent of American adults smoked cigarettes. In 2014, only 16.8 percent of adults in the good ole U.S. of A smoked right-handed cigarettes.

So, there it is and there you will continue to have it and keep it for as long as you wish.

via: The Washington Post 
and CDC

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