Thursday, May 12, 2016

Dear Visitors of America

This is for you, Dear Visitors of America

First of all, let me welcome all of you visitors of America and say "thanks" for visiting our huge and beautiful country. I hope you brought a lot of money to spend on our products... you know that our goods are top-notch and popular all around the world. Our economy is number one for a reason, and I appreciate you doing your part to help, no matter what country you are from.

However, I must say that many visitors of America make me angry and/or upset. Many of you take our hospitality and acceptance of people who are different than us for granted. Moreover, many of you visitors abuse the privilege you have been granted either to visit our country, come here for work, or get an education. There are many visitors in America (from all corners of the globe) who insist that they hate America and Americans, and yet, they will stay here enjoying our way of life and our luxuries. So, therefore, that means that they are liars or they are insane and don't know what they are talking about -- rambling on nonsensically, no doubt.

There's no way in heck that I would ever go stay in a country for an extended period of time if I hated it It's easy to see why I get upset about people bad-mouthing the good old U.S. of A. even though they don't want to leave. It makes no sense and if they had half of a brain, they would feel like fools, because that's how they're acting.

As I was riding the bus to college the other day, we passed the antenna piece from the World Trade Center that is displayed at the entrance of the campus. A young man from Pakistan (who always skips classes and gets terrible grades) started chuckling when he saw the piece of the WTC; it's as if he thought it was great that the towers were destroyed and many people were killed in such a horrific way. 

I'm not one with an abundance of patriotic feelings day in and day out, but his reaction was downright despicable. His ugly smirk and chuckle made me feel as if I wanted to partake in an act of violence, but I thought better of it.

People like him are the kind of visitors that I don't want in America, and for good reason. And, no, I'm not even saying that he is a potential terrorist because he looks to be the type that is afraid of a mouse or a spider.

To all of you wonderful visitors who come to America to have a good time, I say: "Come on back now, ya hear?"

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